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Park Farm

+44 (0) 1872 885779

Inspiring and educating children about sustainability and the natural environment through exciting hands-on experiences including school camp, summer camp, workshops and forest school. Based in Cornwall, our focus is green education, and our mission is to reconnect and engage children with the natural world, inspiring them to live more sustainably. 

Meet the team

Get to know the team at camp and the talented & skills practitioners who join them

Meet the team

Camp Kernow was founded in 2008 by Claire and Charlie as a not-for-profit organisation on a mission to reconnect and engage children with nature and inspire environmental citizenship.

Claire Coombe: Co-founder and Centre Manager

I once read that to identify your true vocation in life, you should think back to what really interested you as a child of 8 yrs old- what floated your boat so to speak before outside influences took hold. I spent my childhood climbing trees, rooting around in the garden for bugs, hanging on David Attenborough's every word and looking after my myriad of pets! My awareness of environmental issues came later, first as a Landscape Architect and then, working in the charity sector, facilitating overseas development projects. Charlie and I developed Camp Kernow as  a place where children can discover and explore the natural environment and engage with sustainability in a hands-on way.

Charlie Nicholson: Co-founder and Operations Manager

I’m passionate about working with young people in the outdoors and introducing them to new experiences which bring them closer to nature. I’m an archery instructor and also deliver green woodworking here at camp. I come from a background of sculpture and design and see Camp Kernow as a place where children’s imagination can be ignited.

They are joined by a team of experienced, qualified and passionate instructors. Children learn from talented craftspeople, performers and artists who have developed bespoke workshops enabling children to be guided by experts in their field.